Supporting Employment Platform through Apprenticeship
Learning-SEPAL aims to create an innovative model for job
insertion of 300 NEETs minimum. SEPAL's target group are
NEETs aged 24-29 years old, that belong to the following
vulnerable groups: youth with disabilities, Roma, migrants,
low skilled and school drop-outs.
Ensuring the project visibility to the target groups, general public
and interested stakeholders
Arise awarness regarding NEETs
education employment needs,
Disability, mental health
Risk of poverty
Asylum seekers
Low skills, disabled, unemployed
The individual: earns income;
has structure in his day or life;
makes choices;
is treated with respect and has a
valued adult role;
Labour market research -
identify companies that already
employ NEETs, access target
population, creation of data
base, contact data collection
„Proiectul SEPAL este finanţat de Islanda, Liechtenstein şi Norvegia prin EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Youth Employment.”